Prices, options, and floorplans subject to change without notice. Images displayed may not be of actual display homes.
Eagle River Eagle’s Nest Single Wide EN-72S1233
Due to the time of build, standards may vary from what is listed below. There are also additional options beyond the key features listed above. You can review exact standards and options with sales staff at any of our locations.
Note: Pending lot approval. Does not include lot rent and utilities.
Standard Features
Eagle River Eagle’s Nest
- Factory Select Interior Colors
- Wood Cabinet Doors
- Hidden Hinges on Cabinet Doors
- Laminate Backsplash Kitchen and Baths
- Valances with Mini Blinds
- 2×6 walls – 16″ OC
- Floor Joists 16″ OC
- 8 Foot Sidewalls
- Textured Ceiling
- Lino in Living Room and Hallways
- 3680 Fiberglass Front Door w/ Sunburst
- 9-Lite Rear Door
- LED Can Lights throughout
- 1 Exterior Faucet
- 60″ 1 pc Tub all Baths
- Deep Well SS Kitchen Sink
- Center Shelves in Base Cabinets
- Lined Cabinets
- 36″ High Vanities
- Hutch in Dining Room per Plan
- Pantry Closet in Utility per Plan